N3 Grammar Course

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JLPT Grammar Course
  • 92 lessons
  • 0 quizzes
  • 96 week duration

N3 Grammar Course

Lesson 90: 〜において/における


Noun + において
Noun + における + Noun


「〜において/における」means “at,in”.
It’s written Japanese.


There are more and more people learning Japanese overseas.

Please do not use your phone inside the car.

He is inferior to his younger brother in English.

He played an important part in the enterprise.

He was extraordinarily important in your life.

He is a famous physicist not only in Japan, but in the world.

His discovery gave rise to a revolution in transport.

Wage settlements in Japan this year were moderate.

The current situation in the Middle East is a time bomb of tensions.

The difficulty in life is the choice.
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