N3 Grammar Course

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JLPT Grammar Course
  • 92 lessons
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  • 96 week duration

N3 Grammar Course

Lesson 54: 〜って

Usage 1:

Noun + って + Noun

Meaning of Usage 1:

「~って」means “Somebody/Something named…”.
The formal way is 「~という」.

Example Sentences of Usage 1:

There was a phone call from someone named Tanaka.

There was a phone call from someone named Tanaka.

Usage 2:

Noun + って
Sentence + って

Meaning of Usage 2:

It’s used to express the theme you are going to say.

Example Sentences of Usage 2:

What is Mr. Tanaka like?

Is it true that he came back from Japan?

Usage 3:

Sentence + って

Meaning of Usage 3:

「Sentence + って」means “I heard that…”.

Example Sentences of Usage 3:

I heard that he failed the exam.

I heard that she is an international student.

Usage 4:

Sentence + って + 言う/思う/書く/聞く

Meaning of Usage 4:

It’s used to express that you quote something.

Example Sentences of Usage 4:

It is written that Keep Out.

Someone said that we had no school today.
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