N3 Grammar Course

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JLPT Grammar Course
  • 92 lessons
  • 0 quizzes
  • 96 week duration

N3 Grammar Course

Lesson 19: 〜きる/きれる/きれない


Polite Form of Verb(drop the ます in the end) + きる/きれる/きれない

Meaning 1:

Polite Form of Verb(drop the ます in the end) + きる  →  …finish doing…
Polite Form of Verb(drop the ます in the end) + きれる  →    …can finish doing…
Polite Form of Verb(drop the ます in the end) + きれない  →  …can’t finish doing…

Example Sentences of Meaning 1:

I used up my money.

I can’t finish reading this novel in one day because it’s too long.

We have run out of sugar.

We have closed out this year’s model.

As soon as she got her salary, she spent it all.

Meaning 2:

Polite Form of Verb(drop the ます in the end) + きる  →  very…

Example Sentences of Meaning 2:

I’m very tired.

My hands and feet have got as cold as ice.

I was too tired to care for anything but bed.


〜きる/きれる/きれない can be written as 〜切る/切れる/切れない, they are the same.
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One thought on “Lesson 19: 〜きる/きれる/きれない

  1. このシリーズを見切ることに決めたので、最後まで頑張ります。





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