N3 Grammar Course

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JLPT Grammar Course
  • 92 lessons
  • 0 quizzes
  • 96 week duration

N3 Grammar Course

Lesson 53: 〜っけ


①Past Tense Form of Verb + っけ
②i-Adj (drop the い in the end) + かった + っけ
③na-Adj + だ(った)+ っけ
④Noun +  だ(った)+ っけ


「~っけ」is used to express that you are trying to recall something or confirm something with somebody.
It’s often used to people that you are familiar with or your friends.

Example Sentences:

Is he a student?

Is this person Japanese?

What is the next class?

Didn’t I show you my new Mustang?

What were we talking about?

What was it that we were told to do?

What was the name of the hotel? I can’t recall it.

Do you remember when I saw you last?

Don’t you tend to get carsick?

Hey, when do the dorms lock up?
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