N3 Grammar Course

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JLPT Grammar Course
  • 92 lessons
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  • 96 week duration

N3 Grammar Course

Lesson 27: 〜ことにする/〜ことにしている

Usage 1:

Dictionary Form of Verb + ことにする
Negative Form of Verb + ことにする

Meaning of Usage 1:

「~ことにする」 is used to express subjective decision.
Dictionary Form of Verb + ことにする →  I decide to…
Negative Form of Verb + ことにする→  I decide not to…

Example Sentences of Usage 1:

I decide to stop smoking.

I decide not to drink alcohol anymore.

I’ll talk it over with Marty and see what he thinks.

He decided to trust the lawyer with the document.

He decided to postpone his departure.

Usage 2:

Dictionary Form of Verb + ことにしている
Negative Form of Verb + ことにしている

Meaning of Usage 2:

「~ことにしている」 is used to express personal habit.

Example Sentences of Usage 2:

I get up at 6 o’clock every day.

I don’t smoke in order to keep healthy.

He makes a point of taking the eight o’clock bus.

He is in the habit of taking a walk before breakfast.

He is in the habit of sitting up late on weekends.
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One thought on “Lesson 27: 〜ことにする/〜ことにしている

  1. この道を歩くことにしたから、迷っちゃった。







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