N3 Grammar Course

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JLPT Grammar Course
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  • 96 week duration

N3 Grammar Course

Lesson 3: 〜上がる


Polite Form of Verb(drop the ます in the end) +上がる

Meaning 1:

「〜上(あ)がる」is used to express that the action is over.

Example Sentences of Meaning 1:

The report has been written.

The rice has been cooked.

The plans have been drawn up.

Meaning 2:

「〜上(あ)がる」 means “up”.

Example Sentences of Meaning 2:

He jumped up.

Please stand up.

He stood up with his hat in his hand.

He ran up the stairs.

His head broke the surface.

The cat jumped in surprise.

The bird soared above.
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