N3 Grammar Course

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JLPT Grammar Course
  • 92 lessons
  • 0 quizzes
  • 96 week duration

N3 Grammar Course

Lesson 9: 〜うちは


Verb(Dictionary Form,Negative Form)+ うちは
Te Form of Verb + いる + うちは
i-Adj + うちは
na-Adj + な + うちは
Noun + の + うちは


「〜うちは」means “While…”.

Example Sentences:

I plan to continue doing part-time job while I’m a student.

I want to work at home while my child is too small.

You should work hard while you are young.

You shall want for nothing as long as I live.

Let your food cool off a bit; don’t eat it while it’s hot.
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