N3 Grammar Course

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JLPT Grammar Course
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  • 96 week duration

N3 Grammar Course

Lesson 42: 〜だけでは/だけじゃ


①Dictionary Form of Verb + だけでは/だけじゃ
②i-Adj + だけでは/だけじゃ
③na-Adj + な +  だけでは/だけじゃ
④Noun +  だけでは/だけじゃ


「~だけでは/だけじゃ」means “It will be…If you just/only…”.
It’s often used to express that if you just do something, it will lead to bad result.

Example Sentences:

It is not enough if you only have the talent.

At that time I had a poor income and couldn’t live on it.

A mere repetition of other people’s research cannot be called true scientific research.

Today you can’t be content with just earning a living.

You cannot live by love alone.

It is boring if you just watch it.

Merely to breathe does not mean to live.

We cannot tell a good person from a bad one by looks alone.
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