N3 Grammar Course

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JLPT Grammar Course
  • 92 lessons
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  • 96 week duration

N3 Grammar Course

Lesson 32: 〜さえ


Noun + さえ
Particle + さえ
Noun (People) + (で) + さえ


「~さえ」means “even…”.

Example Sentences:

Even Japanese may make a mistake in the honorific language.

Even walking is hard for him.

He can’t even float let alone swim.

He had to work even on Sunday.

He got even his opponents to agree to the new economic plan.

He even suspected that the man was the principal offender.

He cannot so much as write his own name.

He is even afraid of his own shadow.

He did not so much as say good-by to me.

He did not so much as greet the manager.


①You can use も to replace さえ, but さえ is like an intensive of も.
Even walking is hard for him.

②さえも is like an intensive of さえ. They are very similar words and in many cases can be used interchangeably.
Even walking is hard for him.
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