N3 Grammar Course

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JLPT Grammar Course
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  • 96 week duration

N3 Grammar Course

Lesson 21: 〜くらい/ぐらい


Verb(Dictionary Form, Past Tense Form, Negative Form…) + くらい/ぐらい
Te Form of Verb + いる + くらい/ぐらい
i-Adj + くらい/ぐらい
na-Adj + な + くらい/ぐらい
Noun + くらい/ぐらい

Meaning 1:

「~くらい/ぐらい」means “so/such…that…(high level)”.

Example Sentences of Meaning 1:

That was fabulous.

I was so scared that I wanted to scream out.

I’m so busy today that I don’t have time to have lunch.

We are so busy we’ll take any help we can get.

The beautiful of that country is beyond description.


①You can use ~ほど to replace くらい/ぐらい when it means “so/such…that…”.(high level)
I’m so busy today that I don’t have time to have lunch.

②You can use ~くらい/ぐらい~はない to express the highest level.
There is no one that works harder than him.

③You can use ~ほど~はない to express the highest level too.
There is no one that works harder than him.

Meaning 2:

「~くらい/ぐらい」means “so/such…that…(low level)”.

Example Sentences of Meaning 2:

This task is so simple that anyone could do it.

The baby is no bigger than this doll.

You might at least say thank you.


Please don’t use ~ほど to replace くらい/ぐらい when it means “so/such…that…(low level)”.
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