
- 82 lessons
- 0 quizzes
- 96 week duration
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Lesson 67: 〜だい/かい

①疑問詞(何・どう・どんな・いつ)がある + だい
②疑問詞がない→+ かい
「〜だい/かい」is used to ask a question. Notes: ①This is often used by male, and usually young people don’t use it. ②Don’t use it to your superior. ③If you can answer the question using 「はい・いいえ」, then you should use かい to ask the question, if you can’t answer the question using 「はい・いいえ」, then you should use だい to ask the question. ④If a verb is in the end, you can use 【Verb + ん + だい・かい】to emphasize the sentence. For example, 【いつ帰るんだい?】. |
Example Sentences:
学校はどうだい。 How is school? 行くかい。 Do you want to go? これはおいしいかい? Is this delicious? 先生はどんな人だい? What kind of person is the teacher? 先生は美人かい? Is the teacher beautiful? パーティーはいつだい? When is the party? いつ帰るんだい? When will you come back? 何をこそこそしているんだい。 What are you doing sneaking around? 潜水して泳げるかい。 Can you swim underwater? 外出中に誰かから電話があったかい? Did someone call me while I was out? |
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Lesson 66: 〜かどうか
Lesson 68: 〜ことがある