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Lesson 1: 〜ず(に)

Negative Form of Verb (drop ない in the end) + ず(に)
「〜ず(に)」means “without doing…”, “instead of doing…”. Type-1 Verb & Type-2 Verb ①Step 1:change the verb to Negative Form. For example,会う→会わない、食べる→食べない ②Step 2:change the ない to ず(に). For example,会わない→会わず(に)、食べない→食べず(に) Type-3 Verb Change する to せず(に). For example,勉強する→勉強せず(に) Irregular Verb する→せず(に) 来る→来ず(に) |
Example Sentences:
焦らずに頑張ってね。 Do you best without being anxious. 誰にも相談せずにやった。 I did that without consulting anyone. 彼は学校に行かずに家にいた。 Instead of going to school, he stayed at home. 勉強せずにテレビ見てたんだ。 I watched television instead of studying. 彼女は両親に知らせずに結婚した。 She married without her parents’ knowledge. 彼は彼女に気付かずに通り過ぎた。 He ran past without noticing her. 彼は昨日何も食べずにずっとゲームしていた。 He played game without eating anything yesterday. 電卓を使わずにこの問題を解くことができますか。 Can you solve this problem without using a calculator? トムは返事を待たずに立ち去った。 Tom left without waiting for a reply. 彼は別れも告げずに行ってしまった。 He left without saying goodbye. |
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Lesson 2: 〜たがる
7 thoughts on “Lesson 1: 〜ず(に)”
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What does this mean?
Does it mean : 会わず should add に at the back while using it?
It means both are okay
Like 会わず or 合わに right?
会わず or 会わずに
yes!~ずに is more formal
Does (に) for this grammar work as a Particle?
I’ve been wondering how to pronounce the mora for 焦らずに
As for 焦る(あせる) itself [Low,High,Low]
If に works as a particle. Does that mean we pronounce the mora for 焦らずに as [ Low , High , Low , Low , Low ] ?