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Lesson 48: (もし)〜なら

①(もし)+ Verb(Dictionary Form, Past Tense Form, Negative Form…)+ (の/ん)+ なら
②(もし)+ i-Adj + (の/ん)+ なら
③(もし) + na-Adj + なら
④(もし)+ Noun + なら
Note: の/ん is used to emphasize what you are saying.
「(もし)~なら」means “If…”. (often used to express the thought or action of speakers under some conditions.) |
Example Sentences:
君ならできる。 You can do it. 嫌なら結構です。 If you don’t want to do it, you don’t have to. もし必要なら私は来ます。 I’ll come if necessary. もし雨なら電話して。 Telephone me if it rains. 文句あるなら出て行け! If you have something to complain about, then get out of here! 車なら3時間で着くよ。 We’ll arrive in three hours if we drive. あの大学へ行くなら、自転車が便利です。 Bicycles are convenient If you want to go to that university. 近いなら歩きましょう。 If you are close, let’s walk. 嫌ならやめてもいいですよ。 You can stop if you don’t like it. 大学生ならこのくらいはできるはずです。 If you are university students, it should be able to do this. |
Difference between 〜たら and 〜なら. A + たら + B 1.often used to express that if A become the past, what will happen(B). 2.often used to express one single action. A + なら + B 1.often used to express that if A happens, what the speaker will think/do. 2.なら can not be used to express something that will happen for sure. 春になるなら、ピクニックに行こう。❌ If it’s spring, go for a picnic. Because 春になる will happen for sure. |
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Lesson 47: (もし)〜たら
Lesson 49: 〜と
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