
- 82 lessons
- 0 quizzes
- 96 week duration
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Level 8
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Level 11
Level 12
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Level 14
Level 15
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Level 18
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Level 20
Level 21
Level 22
Level 23
Lesson 31: 〜でも

Noun + でも
「~でも」means “…or something”, it’s an expression that gives an example from several options. |
Example Sentences:
将棋でもやる? Do you want to play shogi or something? 酒でも飲もうよ。 Let’s have a drink or something. お茶でもどうですか? How about some tea or something? ゲームでもしましょうか。 Let us play games or something. 町中見物でもするか? Shall we go sightseeing around town or something? 散歩でもしませんか。 How about taking a walk or something? うどんでも食べませんか? Would you like to eat some udon or something? 今晩暇だったら、映画でも見ない? If you’re free tonight, what about watching a movie or something? 放課後、ちょっとコーヒーでも飲みに行きませんか。 How about going for a cup of coffee or something after school? 冷えたビールでも飲みながら話しましょう。 Let’s talk over a cold beer or something. |
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Lesson 30: 〜までに
Lesson 32: 〜とか