
- 93 lessons
- 0 quizzes
- 96 week duration
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Level 42
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Level 46
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Level 48
Level 49
Level 50
Level 51
Level 52
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Level 54
Level 55
Level 56
Level 57
Level 58
Level 59
Lesson 11: 〜がちだ/がちで/がちな/がちの

①Polite Form of Verb(drop the ます in the end) + がちだ/がちで/がちな/がちの
②Noun + がちだ/がちで/がちな/がちの
「〜がちだ/がちで/がちな/がちの」means “tend to…”. |
車に乗ってばかりだと、運動不足になりがちだ。 If you ride cars all the time you’ll tend to be out of shape. 暑いときは冷たいものを食べがちで、よくお腹を壊す。 I tend to eat cold things when the weather it’s hot, and it will often make my stomach upset. 私の兄は病気がちな人です。 My brother tends to get sick. |
①がちだ is in the end of the sentence, がちで is in the middle of the sentence, and がちな/がちの should follow noun. ②がちな and がちの are the same, but we use がちな more often than がちの. |
Lesson 12: 〜かと思えば