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N4 Kanji 96: 借

In Japanese, 借 means “to borrow”.
How to read it:
Kunyomi | か |
Onyomi | しゃく |
How to write it:


You can see a man, a mountain and the sun.
When you are climbing mountain under the sun, you will get thirsty soon, so you need to borrow the water from others.
So 借 stands for “to borrow”.


Word | Reading | Meaning |
借りる | かりる | to borrow |
借金 | しゃっきん | debt |
貸借 | たいしゃく | loan |
借り入れ | かりいれ | borrowing |
借家 | かりいえ | rented house |
借地 | かりち | leased land |
借用 | しゃくよう | borrow |
借り | かり | borrowed |
賃借 | ちんしゃく | rent |
拝借 | はいしゃく | borrowing |
貸し借り | かしかり | lending |
借り出す | かりだす | to borrow |
借り物 | かりもの | borrowed thing |
借り手 | かりて | borrower |
借り入れる | かりいれる | to borrow |
借り換え | かりかえ | refinancing |
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Review 19: 音風鳥以低
N4 Kanji 97: 貸