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N4 Kanji 66: 飯

In Japanese, 飯 means “rice”.
How to read it:
Kunyomi | めし |
Onyomi | はん |
How to write it:


You can see a bowl full of rice, and someone trying to reach the bowl.
So 飯 stands for “rice”.


Word | Reading | Meaning |
ご飯 | ごはん | rice |
夕飯 | ゆうはん | dinner |
晩ご飯 | ばんごはん | dinner |
朝ご飯 | あさごはん | breakfast |
昼ご飯 | ひるごはん | lunch |
飯 | めし | food |
昼飯 | ひるめし | lunch |
炊飯 | すいはん | cooked rice |
炊飯器 | すいはんき | rice cooker |
朝飯 | あさめし | breakfast |
赤飯 | せきはん | red rice |
Review 13: 正味肉茶菜
N4 Kanji 67: 太