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N4 Kanji 49: 着
Meaning of kanji 着:

In Japanese, 着 means “to put on; to arrive”.
How to read kanji 着:
Kunyomi | き、つ |
Onyomi | ちゃく |
How to write kanji 着:

Origin of kanji 着:

It’s hard to remember kanji 着 by its origin.
Below is a way to help you remember it.
羊 means “sheep”,目 means “eye”.
So you can remember kanji 着 as “I put on something around the eyes of sheep”.
Below is the origin and development of the kanji 羊.

Development of kanji 着:

Vocabulary containing kanji 着:
Word | Reading | Meaning |
着る | きる | to wear |
着く | つく | to arrive |
上着 | うわぎ | jacket |
着物 | きもの | kimono |
下着 | したぎ | underwear |
落ち着く | おちつく | to calm down |
到着 | とうちゃく | arrival |
定着 | ていちゃく | fixation |
辿り着く | たどりつく | to arrive |
着せる | きせる | to dress |
決着 | けっちゃく | settlement |
着替える | きがえる | to change clothes |
執着 | しゅうちゃく | attachment |
着用 | ちゃくよう | wear |
着手 | ちゃくしゅ | undertake |
密着 | みっちゃく | close contact |
行き着く | いきつく | to end up |
付着 | ふちゃく | adhesion |
着目 | ちゃくもく | focus |
愛着 | あいちゃく | attachment |
着実 | ちゃくじつ | steady |
接着 | せっちゃく | adhesion |
着替え | きがえ | change of clothes |
装着 | そうちゃく | wearing |
住み着く | すみつく | to settle in |
水着 | みずぎ | swimwear |
着陸 | ちゃくりく | landing |
着々 | ちゃくちゃく | steadily |
着任 | ちゃくにん | arrival |
着想 | ちゃくそう | idea |
癒着 | ゆちゃく | collusion |
頓着 | とんちゃく | inconvenience |
土着 | どちゃく | indigenous |
着地 | ちゃくち | landing |
着工 | ちゃっこう | start of construction |
着色 | ちゃくしょく | coloration |
沈着 | ちんちゃく | deposition |
着信 | ちゃくしん | incoming |
粘着 | ねんちゃく | adhesive |
着席 | ちゃくせき | sit down |
肌着 | はだぎ | underwear |
吸着 | きゅうちゃく | adsorption |
Patron-only Contents:

This website won’t exist without Patrons’ support since it’s completely ad-free.
So I made some special contents for Patrons.
It’s a way of saying thank you!
N4 Kanji 48: 物
N4 Kanji 50: 兄