
- 61 lessons
- 0 quizzes
- 96 week duration
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
Section 6
Section 7
Section 8
Section 9
Section 10
Section 11
Section 12
Lesson 43: 長い、なかなか…

In this lesson, you will learn the following N5 words.
Word | Reading | Meaning |
長い | ながい | long |
なかなか | なかなか | quite |
眺め | ながめ | view |
鳴く | なく | to bark |
無くす | なくす | to lose |
梨 | なし | pear |
なぜ | なぜ | why |
夏 | なつ | summer |
夏休み | なつやすみ | summer vacation |
七つ | ななつ | seven |
何 | なに | what |
何か | なにか | something |
七日 | なのか | seven days |
名前 | なまえ | name |
習う | ならう | to learn |
並ぶ | ならぶ | to stand in a line |
並べる | ならべる | to line up |
なる | なる | to become |
似合う | にあう | to look good |
苦い | にがい | bitter |
Patron-only Contents:

This website won’t exist without Patrons’ support since it’s completely ad-free.
So I made some special contents for Patrons.
It’s a way of saying thank you!
Lesson 42: 止まる、止める…
Lesson 44: 苦手、賑やか…