
- 61 lessons
- 0 quizzes
- 96 week duration
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
Section 6
Section 7
Section 8
Section 9
Section 10
Section 11
Section 12
Lesson 4: いい、いいえ…

In this lesson, you will learn the following N5 words.
Word | Reading | Meaning |
いい | いい | good |
いいえ | いいえ | no |
言う | いう | to say |
家 | いえ | house |
行く | いく | to go |
いくつ | いくつ | how many |
いくら | いくら | how much |
池 | いけ | pond |
居酒屋 | いざかや | Japanese style pub |
医者 | いしゃ | doctor |
椅子 | いす | chair |
忙しい | いそがしい | busy |
急ぐ | いそぐ | to hurry up |
痛い | いたい | painful |
いただく | いただく | to receive |
いちご | いちご | strawberry |
一日 | いちにち | one day |
一番 | いちばん | best; most |
いつ | いつ | when |
いつか | いつか | sometimes |
Patron-only Contents:

This website won’t exist without Patrons’ support since it’s completely ad-free.
So I made some special contents for Patrons.
It’s a way of saying thank you!
Lesson 3: あの、姉…
Lesson 5: 五日、一緒…