
- 13 lessons
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- 96 week duration
Important Forms
Other Forms
Lesson 10: Volitional Form

In this lesson, I will teach you how to convert Japanese verbs into the Volitional Form.
What Does Volitional Form Mean?
The Volitional Form means ‘Let’s …’. Note: ①「〜ましょう」 is a polite way to say ‘Let’s …’, while 「〜おう」 is used with close friends. Use 「〜ましょう」 with superiors or strangers. ② In later courses (Grammar Course), when I mention the Volitional Form, I will mean 「〜おう」, not 「〜ましょう」. |
How to change Japanese Verb to Volitional Form?
For Type-1 Verbs: ①【Plain Volitional Form】 Change the u-hiragana to the corresponding o-hiragana and add う at the end. For example,会う→会おう. ②【Polite Volitional Form】 Change the u-hiragana to the corresponding i-hiragana and add ましょう at the end. For example,会う→会いましょう. |
For Type-2 Verbs: ①【Plain Volitional Form】 Change the verb ending from る to よう. For example,食べる→食べよう. ②【Polite Volitional Form】 Change the verb ending from る to ましょう. For example,食べる→食べましょう. |
For Type-3 Verbs: ①【Plain Volitional Form】 Change the verb ending from する to しよう. For example,勉強する→勉強しよう. ②【Polite Volitional Form】 Change the verb ending from する to しましょう. For example,勉強する→勉強しましょう. |
For Irregular Verbs: ①【Plain Volitional Form】 する→しよう. 来(く)る→来(こ)よう. ②【Polite Volitional Form】 する→しましょう. 来(く)る→来(き)ましょう. |
Example | Reading | Volitional Form(Plain) | Volitional Form(Polite) |
会う | あう | 会おう | 会いましょう |
行く | いく | 行こう | 行きましょう |
嗅ぐ | かぐ | 嗅ごう | 嗅ぎましょう |
押す | おす | 押そう | 押しましょう |
打つ | うつ | 打とう | 打ちましょう |
死ぬ | しぬ | 死のう | 死にましょう |
呼ぶ | よぶ | 呼ぼう | 呼びましょう |
飲む | のむ | 飲もう | 飲みましょう |
やる | やる | やろう | やりましょう |
食べる | たべる | 食べよう | 食べましょう |
勉強する | べんきょうする | 勉強しよう | 勉強しましょう |
する | する | しよう | しましょう |
来る | くる | 来(こ)よう | 来(き)ましょう |
9 thoughts on “Lesson 10: Volitional Form”
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I can understand 行こう, but I sometimes see 行くぜ too. Is there any difference between these 2?
明日、一緒に東京に行くぜ。 The speaker will go because there is 一緒に.
もう中学生なのだから、一人で東京に行くぜ。 The speaker won’t go.
Let’s go to Tokyo.(The speaker will go)
Is there any difference between way 1 and way 2 ?
I explained it already😅
I didn’t see it. Sorry😅😅😅
Hey, I sometimes hear people say 行くよう And I was wondering if that was right or something else?
Conversational Japanese may differ slightly from these rules and tend to have losse rules in general.
It’s better to follow these rules and ask around in the forum/Discord.
Is there a negative volitional form?
I think the most common simple way to express the meaning of “Let’s not X” in Japanese is:
Another option is to use a compound expression such as Xするのはやめる (which literally means “stop doing X”) or Xないことにする (which literally means “Choose not to do X”). For instance: