Verb Course

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Verb Course

Lesson 1: How to classify Japanese Verbs?

In this lesson, I will teach you how to classify Japanese Verbs.

Japanese has 4 verb types:
①Type-1 Verb(aka godan verb)
②Type-2 Verb(aka ichidan verb)
③Type-3 Verb(aka suru-verb)
④Irregular Verb.

You may ask: how do I find out a verb’s type?
No worries, I will teach you in this lesson.

Question 1: What is Type-1 Verb?

Type-1 Verbs are verbs like below.

◯ stands for kanji, hiragana or a mixture of hiragana and kanji.

○うう→ to meet,う→to buy
○くく→ to write,く→to go
○ぐぐ→to smell,およぐ→to swim
○すす→to push,ころす→to kill
○つつ→to hit,つ→to wait
○ぬぬ→to die
○ぶぶ→to call,ぶ→to fly
○むむ→to drink,む→to read
○るthe hiragana next to る is NOT in the i-column(い、き、し…) or e-column(え、け、せ…).やる→to do
る→to leave
る→to fold
いのる→to pray
かぶる→to put on (hats)
おくる→to send

Question 2: What is the Type-2 Verb?

Type-2 Verbs are verbs like below.

○るthe hiragana next to る is in the i-column(い、き、し…).る→to see
りる→to get off
○るthe hiragana next to る is in the e-column(え、け、せ…).べる→to eat
える→to get cold

Question 3:What is the Type-3 Verb?

Type-3 Verbs are verbs like below.

Two or more Kanji + するべんきょうする→to learn
成功せいこうする→be successful
one kanji + するさっする→to sympathize
せっする→to touch

Question 4:What is Irregular Verb?

There are only two Irregular Verbs in Japanese,る and する.
Their rules are irregular, but they are easy to remember.


The table below are 27 Type-1 Verbs that don’t follow the rules above.
They are Type-1 Verbs, but they look like Type-2 Verbs.

Tip: You don’t need to remember them all at once, it’s not effective.
Just remember them when you meet them.
Some of them are often used so it won’t be hard for you to remember.
帰るかえるto go home
切るきるto cut
減るへるto decrease
知るしるto know
走るはしるto run
入るはいるto come in
返るかえるto return
滑るすべるto slip
参るまいるto come、to go
混じるまじるto mix
握るにぎるto squeeze
煎るいるto roast
練るねるto knead
散るちるto scatter
照るてるto shine
蹴るけるto kick
焦るあせるto be in a hurry
限るかぎるto limit
湿るしめるto damp
茂るしげるto grow thick
遮るさえぎるto obstruct
罵るののしるto abuse
嘲るあざけるto ridicule
漲るみなぎるto be full of water
覆るくつがえるto overturn
喋るしゃべるto say


In the next section, you will learn how to convert Japanese verbs to different forms.
It seems that there are a lot of different forms, but only four forms are very important:
①Polite Form
②Past Tense Form
③Negative Form
④Te Form

If you don’t want to learn all forms at once, be sure to master these four first, and feel free to come back and learn other forms when you have time.

Note: You can find some verb conjugation quizzes in the nav menu [Quiz].

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14 thoughts on “Lesson 1: How to classify Japanese Verbs?

  1. Are these two irregular verbs and the 26 exceptions to rule 2 the only such verbs in Japanese language? Or are they only the most common?


    1. Admin bar avatar

      only them, no more


    2. Thank you!


  2. Is it cool if atm I ignore the kanji and stick to hiragana while learning these verbs? I’m still a beginner and they seem kind of intimidating and hard to remember.


    1. Admin bar avatar

      Yes! Just ignore the kanji!


  3. “かえる” is listed twice in the exception table. Same English translation but their kanji is different. What is really their difference?


    1. Admin bar avatar



  4. Would 喋る (しゃべる) also be among the exceptions? I saw it while reading about godan and ichidan.


    1. Admin bar avatar

      Yes, I have added it to this table already!


    2. Thank you ^^


  5. What do you mean when you say in the chart, “The table below are 27 Type-1 Verbs that look like Type-2 Verb”? So… everything in the chart is type-1?


    1. Admin bar avatar

      I changed the note like below.
      The table below are 27 Type-1 Verbs that don’t follow the rules above.
      They are Type-1 Verbs, but they look like Type-2 Verb.


  6. “Just remember them when you met them.”
    It’s “meet”, not “met”.


    1. Admin bar avatar

      Fixed! Thanks!


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