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- 96 week duration
Lesson 10: で
In this lesson, I will teach you how to use the particle で.
Function 1: The Place Where Something Happens
If you want to mark the place where something happens, you can use something below.
Place + で + Verb
Example Sentences:
学校で日本語を勉強しています。 I’m learning Japanese in school. 公園でコンサートがあります。 There is a concert in the park. 食堂でご飯を食べます。 I eat rice in the cafeteria. 彼は会社で仕事をしています。 He works for a company. 彼女は家でゲームをやっています。 She plays games at home. |
に is the place something exists,or the place you arrive at. But で is the place the action happens(you take some actions here or something happens here),DO NOT confuse them. に is a point but で is a scope. |
Function 2: The Range in Which Things Hold
If you want to specify the range in which things hold, you can use で.
the range + で
Example Sentences:
この仕事は三日で完成できます。 This work can be done in three days. 世界で一番長い川はナイル川です。 The longest river in the world is the Nile. 片道で100円、往復で200円です。 One way is 100 yen and round trip is 200 yen. これで十分です。 This is enough. |
Function 3: Means and Methods
If you want to mark the means and methods you do something, you can use で.
means and methods + で + Verb
Example Sentences:
このペンで漢字を書いた。 I wrote kanji by this pen. バスで学校に行きます。 I will go to school by bus. 佐藤さんは大きい声で話します。 Mr. Sato speaks loudly. 日本語で彼と話します。 I will talk to him in Japanese. 数学でこの問題を解きました。 I solved this problem with mathematics. |
Function 4: The Reason
If you want to express the reason that something happened, you can use something like below.
Reason(Noun) + で + Something happened
Example Sentences:
彼は病気で休みました。 He had a rest because of the illness. 台風で電車が遅れました。 The train was delayed because of the typhoon. 彼女は事故で亡くなりました。 She died in an accident. |
Function 5: The Number of People Who Take Actions
If you want to express the number of people who take actions, you can use something like below.
number of people + で + Verb
Example Sentences:
私は一人で住んでいます。 I live by myself. いつも1人で勉強しています。 I always study alone. 家族全員でドライブしました。 I went for a drive with the whole family. 2人で学校に行きました。 We went to school together. 3人でチームを組みました。 I formed a team of 3 people. |
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6 thoughts on “Lesson 10: で”
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What is the difference between に and で for the function of showing reason.
に is the reason for subjective things.(such as 自信をつけた)
で is the the reason for objective things.
Can I say 彼は寝坊したので遅れた? The reason for function 4 has to be a noun?
Yes! It’s right, But ~ので itself can be used to express reasons.
Why is で not applicable to 行く?Is it because 行く marks destination, so it has to be に?