Change your cover photo Upload Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photo grace0103 This user account status is Approved About About Comments Comments Practice: 1. このかばんはとても高いです。This bag is very expensive. 2. oof, I can:t think of a sentence right now... On Lesson 5: とても~ Practice: 1. 一人ずつ授業に入れます。Enter the classroom one by one. 2. 単語は少しずつ習っています。I am learning vocabulary little by little. Please correct if wrong,… On Lesson 4: ~ずつ Practice: 1. 私は一日中何もしないだ。I did nothing all day. 2. 私たちは日本中を旅行した。We traveled all over Japan. Please correct if wrong, thank you! On Lesson 3: ~中(じゅう) Practice: 1. 今勉強中なので、静かにしてください。I am studying now, please be quiet. 2. 彼女は今日中にネットフリックスを見ました。She watched Netflix today. 3. 体中で水がたくさんあります。There is a lot of… On Lesson 2: ~中(ちゅう) Practice: 午後六時過ぎに晩ご飯を食べます。 I eat dinner after six pm. 四時前に日本語を勉強します。 I study Japanese before four o clock. On Lesson 1: 〜過(す)ぎ/前(まえ)