
- 98 lessons
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- 99999 week duration
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
Section 6
Section 7
Section 8
Section 9
Section 10
Section 11
Section 12
Section 13
Section 14
Section 15
Section 16
Section 17
Section 18
Section 19
Section 20
Lesson 90: 無関心、向く…

In this lesson, you will learn the following N3 words.
Word | Reading | Meaning |
無関心 | むかんしん | indifference |
向く | むく | to face |
剥く | むく | to peel off |
婿 | むこ | son-in-law |
無視する | むしする | to ignore |
無地 | むじ | plain |
虫歯 | むしば | tooth decay |
蒸す | むす | to steam |
無責任 | むせきにん | irresponsible |
無駄遣い | むだづかい | wasteful |
むちゃくちゃ | むちゃくちゃ | messed up |
夢中 | むちゅう | obsessed |
無料 | むりょう | free |
姪 | めい | niece |
名所 | めいしょ | famous place |
命じる | めいじる | to order |
名人 | めいじん | master |
名物 | めいぶつ | specialty |
命令 | めいれい | order |
目上 | めうえ | superior |
Patron-only Contents:

This website won’t exist without Patrons’ support since it’s completely ad-free.
So I made some special contents for Patrons.
It’s a way of saying thank you!
Lesson 89: 惨め、水割り…
Lesson 91: 飯、目下…