N2 Vocabulary Course

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JLPT Vocabulary Course
  • 60 lessons
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  • 96 week duration

N2 Vocabulary Course

N2 Type-1 Verb (Part 7)

捩るねじるto twist
眠るねむるto sleep
狙うねらうto aim
残すのこすto leave
残るのこるto remain
覗くのぞくto look in
除くのぞくto except
望むのぞむto want
伸ばすのばすto extend
延ばすのばすto extend
登るのぼるto climb
昇るのぼるto rise
乗るのるto get on
載るのるto be listed
這うはうto crawl
測るはかるto measure
計るはかるto measure
履くはくto put on
吐くはくto vomit
運ぶはこぶto carry
挟まるはさまるto get caught
挟むはさむto insert
外すはずすto remove
果たすはたすto fulfill
働くはたらくto work
話し合うはなしあうto discuss
離すはなすto release
放すはなすto let go
省くはぶくto omit
流行るはやるto be popular
払いこむはらいこむto pay
払い戻すはらいもどすto refund
払うはらうto pay
貼るはるto paste
光るひかるto shine
弾くひくto play
轢くひくto run over
引っかかるひっかかるto get caught
引っ繰り返すひっくりかえすto turn over
引っ越すひっこすto move
引っ込むひっこむto withdraw
引っ張るひっぱるto pull
響くひびくto resonate
冷やすひやすto cool down
拾うひろうto pick up
広がるひろがるto spread
深まるふかまるto deepen
吹くふくto blow
拭くふくto wipe
含むふくむto include

One thought on “N2 Type-1 Verb (Part 7)

  1. Thank you!


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