N2 Vocabulary Course

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JLPT Vocabulary Course
  • 60 lessons
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  • 96 week duration

N2 Vocabulary Course

N2 Type-1 Verb (Part 5)

背負うせおうto carry on your back
迫るせまるto approach
注ぐそそぐto pour it up
育つそだつto grow up
剃るそるto shave
揃うそろうto align
倒すたおすto knock down
耕すたがやすto plow
炊くたくto cook
焚くたくto burn
助かるたすかるto be saved
戦うたたかうto fight
叩くたたくto hit
畳むたたむto fold
建つたつto build
経つたつto go through
頼むたのむto ask
騙すだますto deceive
溜まるたまるto accumulate
黙るだまるto shut up
試すためすto try
躊躇うためらうto hesitate
頼るたよるto rely on
誓うちかうto swear
近付くちかづくto approach
近寄るちかよるto come close
縮むちぢむto shrink
散らかすちらかすto clutter
散らかるちらかるto clutter
散らすちらすto scatter
散るちるto scatter
捕まるつかまるto get caught
掴むつかむto grab
突き当たるつきあたるto bump into
就くつくto get
点くつくto turn on
次ぐつぐto come after
伝わるつたわるto be conveyed
続くつづくto continue
突っ込むつっこむto plunge
包むつつむto wrap
繋がるつながるto connect
繋ぐつなぐto connect
潰すつぶすto crush
躓くつまずくto stumble
詰まるつまるto be blocked
積むつむto stack
積もるつもるto accumulate
釣り合うつりあうto be in harmony
釣るつるto catch(a fish)

One thought on “N2 Type-1 Verb (Part 5)

  1. Thank you!!


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