Change your cover photo Upload Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photo James This user account status is Approved About About Comments Comments * knowledgeable On Lesson 8: This person, That person, Who I forgot to include さま above. --> その男はどちらさまですか。 Since I already have extra comment, I would like to add the… On Lesson 8: This person, That person, Who Generally, we use "person". So in Japanese, 方/人. I would like to confirm: Is it still polite to say 男/女?… On Lesson 8: This person, That person, Who Thank you for adding notes indicating the polite forms. They are really helpful! On Lesson 5: This, That, Which one Other than kanij, I think katakana is has its own challenge. Time is also needed for familiarization. On Katakana Basic Word List Thank you for the word list at the end of the courses. As we learn Japanese characters, vocabulary is important… On Hiragana Basic Word List In this day and age, there are a lot of sites and videos. Thank you for compiling them in this… On Lesson 4: Learn Prolonged Sounds in Hiragana It seems that there are names/labels for everything used in Japanese. I did not know about these before. It's really… On Lesson 3: Learn Japanese Sokuon The note regarding typing some characters are helpful. I didn't know those at first. It's a good information to remember… On Lesson 1: Learn Dakuon and Han-dakuon The tip for commonly interchanged characters is very helpful. Thank you for your consideration. On Lesson 11: ワヲン load more comments