- 8 lessons
- 0 quizzes
- 99 week duration
Other Alphabet Course
Lesson 1: Learn Dakuon and Han-dakuon
Except ん(撥音), Kana you learned in former lessons are called as Seion(清音).
In this lesson, I will teach you Dakuon and Han-dakuon.
Below are the Seion with corresponding Dakuon.
Note: Not all Seion have corresponding Dakuon.
Seion | Dakuon |
かきくけこ・カキクケコ “ka”, “ki”, “ku”, “ke”, “ko” | がぎぐげご・ガギグゲゴ “ga”, “gi”, “gu”, “ge”, “go” |
さしすせそ・サシスセソ “sa”, “shi”, “su”, “se”, “so” | ざじずぜぞ・ザジズゼゾ “za”, “ji“, “zu”, “ze”, “zo” |
たちつてと・タチツテト “ta”, “chi”, “tsu”, “te”, “to” | だぢづでど・ダヂヅデド “da”, “ji“, “zu“, “de”, “do” |
はひふへほ・ハヒフヘホ “ha”, “hi”, “fu”, “he”, “ho” | ばびぶべぼ・バビブベボ “ba”, “bi”, “bu”, “be”, “bo” |
①The pronunciation of ぢ is the same as じ, but ぢ is hardly used. If you want to type ぢ with your Japanese keyboard, you can type “di”. ②The pronunciation of づ is the same as ず. If you want to type づ with your Japanese keyboard, you can type “du”. ③It is believed that up until the Kamakura Period (12th century), these two sets of characters (じ and ぢ/ず and づ) were used separately depending on the tongue usage. However, in modern Japanese, all you need to know is the following: じ is used 99% of the time for JI. ぢ is for limited use only. (example) はなぢ(nose bleed), そこぢから(SOKOJIKARA = underlying strength), etc. ず is used 98% of the time for ZU. づ is for limited use only, just like ぢ. (example) つづく (TSUZUKU = to continue), きづく (KIZUKU = to notice), etc. Most of the time, you will use じ for JI and ず for ZU. |
Below is a video to help you remember dakuon.
Below are the Seion with corresponding Dakuon and Han-dakuon.
Note: Only はひふへほ・ハヒフヘホ have corresponding Han-dakuon.
Seion | Dakuon | Han-dakuon |
はひふへほ・ハヒフヘホ “ha”, “hi”, “fu”, “he”, “ho” | ばびぶべぼ・バビブベボ “ba”, “bi”, “bu”, “be”, “bo” | ぱぴぷぺぽ・パピプペポ “pa”, “pi”, “pu”, “pe”, “po” |
Below is a video to help you remember Han-dakuon.
Dakuon&Han-dakuon Review:
Hiragana | Katakana | Romaji |
が | ガ | ga |
ぎ | ギ | gi |
ぐ | グ | gu |
げ | ゲ | ge |
ご | ゴ | go |
ざ | ザ | za |
じ | ジ | ji |
ず | ズ | zu |
ぜ | ゼ | ze |
ぞ | ゾ | zo |
だ | ダ | da |
ぢ | ヂ | ji |
づ | ヅ | zu |
で | デ | de |
ど | ド | do |
ば | バ | ba |
び | ビ | bi |
ぶ | ブ | bu |
べ | ベ | be |
ぼ | ボ | bo |
ぱ | パ | pa |
ぴ | ピ | pi |
ぷ | プ | pu |
ぺ | ペ | pe |
ぽ | ポ | po |
Dakuon&Han-dakuon Test:
(Note: You need to log in if you want to show up on the leaderboard.)
- Pos.NameScoreDuration
- 1.Fabian100 %38s
- 2.Maica100 %40s
- 3.someother100 %44s
- 4.Rooberooty100 %45s
- 5.Antauro100 %47s
- 6.picNic1NW100 %48s
- 7.RyakenSen100 %48s
- 8.TyRawrrnosaurus100 %49s
- 9.Jaclyn100 %49s
- 10.Soundwave100 %50s
- 11.kryllia100 %50s
- 12.Ahhhhhhh100 %51s
- 13.taktkat100 %51s
- 14.sos.llyr100 %51s
- 15.100 %51s
- 16.k1uu100 %52s
- 17.Misi100 %52s
- 18.zispy100 %52s
- 19.Cowbats100 %52s
- 20.sushikirbykid100 %52s
- 21.mqgda100 %53s
- 22.kitkates100 %54s
- 23.hellsky100 %54s
- 24.Aspid100 %55s
- 25.Masknen100 %56s
- 26.Hesol100 %57s
- 27.RIngoNoMori100 %57s
- 28.Talypo2100 %58s
- 29.Onyx100 %58s
- 30.SFZurcaled100 %58s
All JLPT N5 Words Containing Dakuon&Han-dakuon (Hiragana):
Word | Reading | Meaning |
時間 | じかん | time |
以前 | いぜん | before |
午前 | ごぜん | morning |
午後 | ごご | afternoon |
今晩 | こんばん | tonight |
毎晩 | まいばん | every night |
月 | げつ | month |
先月 | せんげつ | last month |
今月 | こんげつ | this month |
来月 | らいげつ | next month |
外国 | がいこく | foreign country |
海外 | かいがい | overseas |
大学 | だいがく | university |
博物館 | はくぶつかん | museum |
人間 | にんげん | human |
全員 | ぜんいん | everyone |
外国人 | がいこくじん | foreigner |
先輩 | せんぱい | senior |
友達 | ともだち | friend |
子供 | こども | child |
叔父 | おじ | uncle |
叔母 | おば | aunt |
鍵 | かぎ | key |
かばん | かばん | bag |
作文 | さくぶん | composition |
新聞 | しんぶん | newspaper |
地図 | ちず | map |
手紙 | てがみ | letter |
電話 | でんわ | phone |
灰皿 | はいざら | ashtray |
食べ物 | たべもの | food |
朝ご飯 | あさごはん | breakfast |
昼ご飯 | ひるごはん | lunch |
晩ご飯 | ばんごはん | dinner |
お握り | おにぎり | rice ball |
ご飯 | ごはん | rice |
卵 | たまご | egg |
唐揚げ | からあげ | fried chicken |
豚肉 | ぶたにく | pork |
果物 | くだもの | fruit |
りんご | りんご | apple |
水 | みず | water |
上着 | うわぎ | outerwear |
家具 | かぐ | furniture |
本棚 | ほんだな | bookshelf |
音楽 | おんがく | music |
仕事 | しごと | work |
入り口 | いりぐち | entrance |
出口 | でぐち | exit |
階段 | かいだん | stairs |
玄関 | げんかん | entrance |
窓 | まど | window |
台所 | だいどころ | kitchen |
売り場 | うりば | sales floor |
体 | からだ | body |
喉 | のど | throat |
涙 | なみだ | tear |
元気 | げんき | energy |
風邪 | かぜ | common cold |
日本語 | にほんご | Japanese language |
外国語 | がいこくご | foreign language |
言葉 | ことば | words |
漢字 | かんじ | kanji |
左 | ひだり | left |
右 | みぎ | right |
東 | ひがし | east |
角 | かど | corner |
風 | かぜ | wind |
地震 | じしん | earthquake |
湿度 | しつど | humidity |
数 | かず | number |
全部 | ぜんぶ | all |
半分 | はんぶん | half |
初めて | はじめて | first time |
問題 | もんだい | problem |
電気 | でんき | electricity |
緑 | みどり | green |
危ない | あぶない | dangerous |
長い | ながい | long |
まずい | まずい | bad |
静か | しずか | quiet |
賑やか | にぎやか | busy |
急ぐ | いそぐ | be in a hurry |
選ぶ | えらぶ | to choose |
泳ぐ | およぐ | to swim |
被る | かぶる | to put on (hats) |
探す | さがす | to look for |
滑る | すべる | to slide |
出す | だす | to put out |
違う | ちがう | be different |
飛ぶ | とぶ | to fly |
並ぶ | ならぶ | to line up |
脱ぐ | ぬぐ | to take off (clothes) |
始まる | はじまる | (it) begins |
曲がる | まがる | be bent |
磨く | みがく | to polish |
呼ぶ | よぶ | to call |
上げる | あげる | to increase |
浴びる | あびる | to take a bath |
覚える | おぼえる | to remember |
信じる | しんじる | to believe |
食べる | たべる | to eat |
出かける | でかける | to go out |
出る | でる | to get out |
並べる | ならべる | to line up |
散歩する | さんぽする | to take a walk |
All JLPT N5 Words Containing Dakuon&Han-dakuon (Katakana):
Word | Meaning |
コンビニ | convenience store |
アルバム | album |
タバコ | cigarette |
ペン | pen |
ポスト | post |
ボタン | button |
メガネ | glasses |
バナナ | banana |
ズボン | pants |
ラジオ | radio |
テレビ | TV |
ダンス | dance |
ゴルフ | golf |
バス | bus |
ドア | door |
グラム | gram |
キログラム | kilogram |
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12 thoughts on “Lesson 1: Learn Dakuon and Han-dakuon”
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I have a question
Do i have to learn katakana before going further in courses or am i good with only hiragana?
Katakana is important too! I think it will be better to remember them all.
hello, please i need to ask you to include tests for those courses
Bruh, Megumin, I thought you were already fluent in Japanese?
What is the difference between じ and ぢ
in most cases, じ is used instead of ぢ
And whats the difference between ず and づ
Both are used,but their pronunciations are the same.
The note regarding typing some characters are helpful. I didn’t know those at first. It’s a good information to remember just in case those characters are needed.
Hello, so I completed memorizing Hiragana and Katakana but now I don’t know how to keep going and learn Dakuon, Yoon, Sokuon, and the prolonged sounds, so I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction of what to do?
Just read the words below to practice them! They are not hard at all!
I just realized that せ (se) and サ (sa) look more similar than せ (se) and セ (se) or さ(sa) and サ(sa).