Change your cover photo Upload Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photo memmoria This user account status is Approved About About Comments Comments Mini deviation on 1st sentence, the sound recording says 成りました instead of 成った On Lesson 15: 〜になる・くなる Hi Marshall! I am reviewing what I know about N5 and N4. I have had some strange looks when I… On Lesson 13: 〜だろう・でしょう I guess this is the right one On N5 Reading Test 7 Hey there! It appears that the youtube link is pointing at Test 6 instead of Test 7. On N5 Reading Test 7 どうしたらいいんだろう <- could you explain this sentence piece by piece please? Is it どうしたら + いい + ん+だろう? Also, is… On Lesson 13: 〜だろう・でしょう Can you use 過ぎ after a non-time event? E.g. to say "after work" 仕事過ぎ, I assume not because the auto-completion does… On Lesson 1: 〜過(す)ぎ/前(まえ) A small advice for future students. Only the kanji reading should be posted!Not the whole word. On 1-41317282 wants the kanji*** On 1-54633025 A small hint to avoid 0% for future people... It was the kanji not just hiragana ^^ Talking from personal… On 1-54633025 Does 来る turn to (く)れば? On Lesson 9: Conditional Form load more comments