Change your cover photo Upload Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photo Alessia This user account status is Approved About About Comments Comments 日に本ほんとイギリスとどちらが大おおきいのですか。 Which is larger, Japan or Britain? What is the meaning of the NO in ookiNOdesuka? On Lesson 27: 〜と〜とどちらが〜 来これない What is this verb? I can't understand that RE. On Lesson 23: 〜場合(ばあい) レタスは洗あらったほうがいいの? Should I wash the lettuce? Why in this sentence the verb wash is in the past form? On Lesson 20: 〜ほうが Hi! One more thing: do we always use the verb in plain form? Or can we use だろう and でしょう also… On Lesson 13: 〜だろう・でしょう Do の and ん have a meaning? I have understood that they're optional, but do they convey some kind of… On Lesson 13: 〜だろう・でしょう