
Hi,I'm Marshall. I'm a student in The University of Tokyo, and I hope this site will help you learn Japanese.


2024.3.3 Free updated【Japanese Culture】Article 1~Article 10:Link Patreon updated【Japanese Culture】Article 1~Article 10 with Audio Files: Link Complete 0

Aesop’s fable(1): A Young Thief and His Mother

母親が叱らなかったため、子は長じて手に負えない盗人になった。とうとう捕まって、刑場へ引いて行かれるとき、嘆く母親に息子が言った。「なぜ最初のときに俺をぶってくれなかった。」 Because the mother did not scold him, the child grew up to become an incorrigible thief.When he was finally captured and taken to the execution site, the son said to his grieving mother:“Why didn’t you hit me the first time?” Patron-only Contents: Complete 0

Meaning and Examples of 間, あいだ, aida

Meaning of 間: Example Sentences of 間: 彼は風の音に耳を澄ましながら、長い間座っていた。He sat for a long time, listening to the sound of the wind. 彼は病気の間すごい勇気を示した。He showed great courage during his illness. 彼は冬の間ずっと病気だった。He was sick through the winter. 彼は長い間貧しかったが今は裕福である。He was poor for a long time, but he is well off now. 彼は長い間待っていた。He was waiting for…

Before you started

Steps Explanation Learning Materials Step 1: Learn Hiragana and Katakana Just like in English, you need to learn A-Z, in Japanese, you need to learn Hiragana and Katakana first. Besides Hiragana and Katakana. Complete 0