Change your cover photo Upload Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photo Reign This user account status is Approved About About Comments Comments How do you use the Te-form of the potential form of verb? Can you give an example? Thank you! On Lesson 8: Potential Form If 開く is あく or ひらく, how can I know which one to use? 開く can be transitive/intransitive. When it'll… On Lesson 6: Transitive Verb & Intransitive Verb What's the difference between ~ていただけませんか and ~てくださいませんか, if both can be used to superiors/strangers? On Lesson 9: ~てください/~ないでください Why is で not applicable to 行く?Is it because 行く marks destination, so it has to be に? On Lesson 10: で In the last function, the potential one.. Is を applicable? When do we use が for the potential form? On… On Lesson 1: が Potential negative? Do I just change to e-hiragana + ない?like 歩けない? On Lesson 8: Potential Form What do you mean by the last sentence of the note? On Lesson 6: と Don't we need to add 一緒に if the sentence is "do something WITH somebody"? Because when I google translated 「犬に歩きました… On Lesson 4: に How about when you have an object? Is 「私は三時にアニメを見ます」correct? If not, what's the formula? On Lesson 4: に どうもありがとう! On Lesson 2: の load more comments