
- 77 lessons
- 0 quizzes
- 99999 week duration
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
Section 6
Section 7
Section 8
Section 9
Section 10
Section 11
Section 12
Section 13
Section 14
Section 15
Section 16
Lesson 49: 都合、伝える…

In this lesson, you will learn the following N4 words.
Word | Reading | Meaning |
都合 | つごう | convenience |
伝える | つたえる | to tell |
伝わる | つたわる | to be transmitted |
続く | つづく | to continue |
続ける | つづける | to continue |
包む | つつむ | to wrap |
妻 | つま | wife |
つまり | つまり | in other words |
詰まる | つまる | to be packed |
爪 | つめ | nail |
詰める | つめる | to pack |
積もる | つもる | to pile up |
梅雨 | つゆ | rainy season |
つらい | つらい | tough |
釣り | つり | fishing |
釣る | つる | to go fishing |
連れる | つれる | to bring |
手洗い | てあらい | bathroom |
提案 | ていあん | suggestion |
提出する | ていしゅつする | to submit |
Patron-only Contents:

This website won’t exist without Patrons’ support since it’s completely ad-free.
So I made some special contents for Patrons.
It’s a way of saying thank you!
Lesson 48: 貯金する、直接…
Lesson 50: 丁寧、ティッシュ…