
- 14 lessons
- 0 quizzes
- 96 week duration
Hiragana Test

Let’s test our learning progress with an online quiz. Below, you’ll also find a speed leaderboard—compete with other students and see how fast you can go!
Speed Leaderboard:
- Pos.NameScoreDuration
- 1.Selarium100 %39s
- 2.ricecrippy100 %44s
- 3.Oierjgh100 %52s
- 4.SilverRizqi100 %52s
- 5.makhanm100 %53s
- 6.Shinji100 %53s
- 7.TyRawrrnosaurus100 %54s
- 8.Aruma100 %55s
- 9.Kuji100 %55s
- 10.HTM-27T100 %55s
- 11.arcsine100 %55s
- 12.Yyorshire100 %55s
- 13.Sally100 %55s
- 14.Soundwave100 %55s
- 15.Fabian100 %57s
- 16.Orin100 %57s
- 17.exw100 %57s
- 18.Chanel100 %57s
- 19.kay100 %57s
- 20.CaptainKanchou100 %58s
- 21.Tosh1sm100 %58s
- 22.Carlos100 %58s
- 23.Goattacus100 %58s
- 24.LunarConstruct100 %58s
- 25.EitchKeii100 %58s
- 26.100 %59s
- 27.runcible100 %59s
- 28.AZNsensation24100 %59s
- 29.nekoyaro100 %59s
- 30.Tokyo_Teddy_Bear100 %59s

Congratulations! You have fully mastered Hiragana. Now you can click the “Back to Table of Contents” button to return to the contents page, or click “Katakana Course” to start learning Katakana directly!