
What is the meaning of “アサヒガニ”?

Word Meaning アサヒガニ Ranina ranina 十脚目アサヒガニ科のカニ。甲が縦長で、甲長約20センチ。腹節が背面から見える。全身赤橙色。歩脚の平たい指節を使って後退しながら砂に潜る。相模湾以南から沖縄にかけて分布。食用。

What is the meaning of “朝晩”?

Word Reading Meaning 朝晩 あさばん morning and evening 1〔朝と晩〕morning and eveningここ2,3日,朝晩は特に冷え込むでしょうFor the next two or three days, it will probably be quite chilly in the mornings and evenings.朝晩植木に水をやるwater a plant in the morning and evening 2〔いつも〕all the time朝晩飲んでいては体を壊してしまうぞYou will ruin your health if you go on drinking day in, day…

What is the meaning of “浅はか”?

Word Reading Meaning 浅はか あさはか 〔思慮のない〕thoughtless;〔おろかな〕silly, foolish;〔浅薄な〕shallow-minded;〔先見の明がない〕short-sighted 浅はかな考えa foolish idea 浅はかな行いa thoughtless [silly] act 浅はかな人a shallow-minded person 浅はかなことをしたものだIt was foolish of me to have done a thing like that./What a thoughtless thing to do! 浅はかな計画だったIt was a short-sighted project.