Word | Reading | Meaning |
足慣らし | あしならし | walk for practice |
I 1〔歩く練習〕 病後の足慣らしを始めた He began to practice walking to get in shape again after his illness. 2〔運動競技の前の〕warming-up; a workout 足慣らしにジムに通う go regularly to a gym for workouts ボクサーたちはジムで足慣らしをしている The boxers are working out at the gym. その運動選手はレースに備えて足慣らしをしている The athlete is warming up for the race. II〔予備行動〕 入試の足慣らしで模試を受けた I took a practice test to prepare myself for the entrance exams. |