Word | Reading | Meaning |
尋ねる | たずねる | 〔捜し求める〕search for |
1〔捜し求める〕search for 行方不明の友人を尋ね回る search for a missing friend どこを尋ねても子供は見当たらなかった The child was nowhere to be found. ギリシャ文化の原点を尋ねる trace the origins of Greek culture 2〔質問をする〕ask; inquire(▼askよりも改まった語) ⇒きく(聞く),しつもん(質問) 彼女は彼らの消息を尋ねた She asked what had become of them. 詳しいことは司書にお尋ねください For further information, please ask [see] the librarian. ちょっとお尋ねしたいのですが May I ask you a question? 駅に行く道を人に尋ねる ask someone the way to the station 彼女があなたの健康状態を尋ねていた She asked [inquired] after you./She asked how you were. 彼にパーティーに行くつもりかと尋ねた I asked him if he was going to the party. |