Change your cover photo Upload Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photo Dorako This user account status is Approved About About Comments Comments So if I see in anime they are going to say lo instead of ro On Lesson 10: らりるれろ completed hiragana,here i come katakana On Lesson 11: わをん I am the 400 user to completed it Yay 🙌 😄 😀 😊 ☺ 🤗 🙌 On Lesson 9: やゆよ Sorry quizzes On Lesson 7: はひふへほ where do I can find the qjizes On Lesson 7: はひふへほ I am a fire on these japanese On Lesson 7: はひふへほ Great references 100 percent cool web you helped me to understand senku On Lesson 7: はひふへほ ? On Lesson 7: はひふへほ the vocabulary duplicates O.O thanksss On Lesson 8: まみむめも In Japanese the h sounds On Lesson 7: はひふへほ load more comments