Meaning of 別れ:

「別れ」means “good-bye”.
Example Sentences of 別れ:
彼は我々に丁寧に別れを告げた。 He took a polite leave of us. 彼は家族に別れを告げた。 He said good-bye to the family. 彼は彼女に永遠の別れを告げた。 He bade her adieu forever. 若者は仲間や親戚の人たちに別れを告げた。 The young man bade farewell to his comrades and relatives. 彼は家族に別れを告げて乗り物に乗り込んだ。 He took leave of his family and got on board. ここは私たちが最後に別れを告げた公園です。 This is the park where we said our last good-bye. そろそろ別れを告げてもいいころだ。 It is high time we said good-bye. ターナー氏は同僚に別れを告げた。 Mr Turner bade farewell to his colleagues. 私は客に別れの挨拶を述べた。 I bade farewell to the guests. 私は村人たちに別れを告げて次の目的地へと向かった。 I took leave of the villagers and made for my next destination. |