Meaning of 残り:

「残り」means “the rest of”.
Example Sentences of 残り:
残りの社員たちは予告無しに解雇された。 The rest of the personnel were fired without notice. 彼女の3台の車は1台が青で残りは白だ。 One of her three cars is blue and the others are white. 彼の演説は最初のところが少し理解できたが、残りはちんぷんかんぷんだった。 I could understand the first few sentences, but the rest of his speech was all Greek to me. 庭のバラのいくつかは白だが、残りは全部赤です。 Some of the roses in my garden are white, and the others are red. 一人は教師で、もう一人は医者で、残りの一人は記者だ。 One is a teacher, another is a doctor, and the other is a journalist. 10ドル紙幣を5枚、残りは1ドル紙幣でお願いします。 Give me five tens and the rest in ones. 1人は福岡に住んでいて、残りは新潟に住んでいます。 One lives in Fukuoka, and the others live in Niigata. いま遺言の残りを読んでいいですか。 May I read the rest of the will now? 残りの5個を至急お送りください。 Would you please send the remaining five units right away? 残りの生涯は自分の理想を追求していくと心に決めた。 I resolved to spend the rest of my life pursuing my ideals. |