Meaning of 同僚:

「同僚」means “colleague”.
Example Sentences of 同僚:
二人とも私の同僚です。 Both are my colleagues. 彼は同僚と協力してその計画を立てた。 He planned the project along with his colleagues. 彼が退職したとき同僚は彼にプレゼントした。 His colleagues gave him a present when he retired. 彼は同僚となかなか打ち解けない。 He is hardly friendly with his fellow workers. マイヤーとその同僚の研究は特異なものだった。 The study by Meyer and his colleagues was unusual. 彼らの同僚は海外の支店に転勤になった。 Their colleague was transferred to an overseas branch. 彼は同僚から批判を受けやすい。 He is subject to the criticism of his colleagues. 彼はいつも同僚から孤立している。 He is always isolated from his fellow workers. 同僚たちは私を温かく迎えてくれた。 My colleagues welcomed me very warmly. 私は同僚と一緒に海外旅行をしたい。 I would like to travel abroad in company with my colleague. |