Meaning of 芝居:

「芝居」means “play”.
Example Sentences of 芝居:
芝居をよく見に行きますか。 Do you often go to see plays? 彼は芝居を見に行くのが大好きだ。 He adores going to the theater. 僕は芝居の自分の役の台詞を覚えた。 I studied my part in the play. 彼女は新しい芝居を企画中だ。 She is getting up a new play. 彼はその芝居を悲劇にするつもりだ。 He means the play to be a tragedy. 彼の芝居は大成功に終わった。 His play ended in large success. 芝居の切符はどこへ行けば買えますか。 Where can I get tickets to a play? 芝居は面白かったですか。 Did you enjoy yourself at the theater? 土曜に私と芝居の公演を見ませんか。 Would you like to see a live performance of a play with me Saturday? こんなシリアスな芝居を見るのは初めてで貴重な経験ができました。 That was the first time I had seen such a serious play so it was a valuable experience. |