
What is the meaning of “足慣らし”?

Word Reading Meaning 足慣らし あしならし walk for practice I1〔歩く練習〕病後の足慣らしを始めたHe began to practice walking to get in shape again after his illness. 2〔運動競技の前の〕warming-up; a workout足慣らしにジムに通うgo regularly to a gym for workoutsボクサーたちはジムで足慣らしをしているThe boxers are working out at the gym.その運動選手はレースに備えて足慣らしをしているThe athlete is warming up for the race. II〔予備行動〕入試の足慣らしで模試を受けたI took a practice test to…

What is the meaning of “足固め”?

Word Reading Meaning 足固め あしがため 〔足をきたえる〕walking practice, leg-strengthening exercise(s);〔柔道・レスリングで〕a leg hold, an ashigatame I〔足をきたえる〕walking practice, leg-strengthening exercise(s);〔柔道・レスリングで〕a leg hold, an ashigatame足固めをする strengthen [firm up] one’s legs [leg muscles] II〔基礎を固めておくこと〕groundwork, preparation ((for))計画の足固めをするlay the groundwork for a project社長の座への足固めは着々と進んでいるHis preparations for gaining the company presidency are proceeding steadily.しっかり足固めをしておかないとこの事業は失敗する「Unless we do some solid groundwork…

What is the meaning of “足形”?

Word Reading Meaning 足形 あしがた 1 足の形。また、地面や物を踏んだあとに残る、足の形。あしあと。2 (足型)靴・足袋 (たび) などを作るのに使う、足の形をした木型。

What is the meaning of “足枷”?

Word Reading Meaning 足枷 あしかせ I〔罰として足にはめるもの〕fetters; leg ironsII〔足手まとい〕a hindrance I〔罰として足にはめるもの〕fetters; leg irons足かせをはめられていたHe was put in fetters [irons].足かせを解かれたHe was freed from his fetters. II〔足手まとい〕a hindrance病弱な体が彼女の足かせとなっていたShe was hindered [hampered/held back] by poor health.

What is the meaning of “足掛け”?

Word Reading Meaning 足掛け あしかけ 〔足を掛けるところ〕a foothold;〔自転車の〕a pedal;〔バスなどの〕a step;〔机の下の桟さん〕a footrail;〔腰掛けて足を置く台〕a footstool I1〔足を掛けるところ〕a foothold;〔自転車の〕a pedal;〔バスなどの〕a step;〔机の下の桟さん〕a footrail;〔腰掛けて足を置く台〕a footstool 2〔足を掛けること〕足掛け回転a knee circle彼は柔道の相手を足掛けで倒したHe threw down his judo opponent by tripping him up with his leg. II〔前後の端数を1と数えて〕足掛け3年a consecutive period extending over one calendar year and parts of the years before and after it

What is the meaning of “手掛かり”?

Word Reading Meaning 手掛かり てがかり I〔手をかける所〕a handholdII〔糸口〕a clue, a lead I〔手をかける所〕a handhold手懸かりのない絶壁a steep cliff 「with nothing to hang on to [with no handholds] II〔糸口〕a clue, a lead彼の行方に関する唯一の手掛かりは手紙の消印だったThe only clue [lead] to his whereabouts was the postmark on his letter.この難問解明の手掛かりは何もないWe have no key to the solution of this difficult problem.泥棒は手掛かりとなるものは何も残していないThe robber…