
What is the meaning of “足腰”?

Word Reading Meaning 足腰 あしこし lower body 年を取ると足腰が弱くなるAs we get older, our legs [leg muscles] weaken. 足腰が立たなくなるbecome unable to stand 足腰が立つうちは働きたいI want to work as long as I’m able (to get around). 足腰が立たなくなるほど痛めつけるbeat a person until he can no longer stand

What is the meaning of “味気ない”?

Word Reading Meaning 味気ない あじけない 〔面白くない〕dull, insipid;〔退屈な〕boring 味気ない会話「an insipid [a boring] conversation (型にはまった)味気ない生活をするbe (stuck) in a rut 人生が味気ないMy life is dull./I’m bored with life. 味気ないやつだHe is a bore. 味気ない会社勤めを続けているI’m continuing the dreary round of office work.

What is the meaning of “足蹴”?

Word Reading Meaning 足蹴 あしげ 〔蹴ること〕〔ひどい仕打ちをすること〕 I〔蹴ること〕人を足蹴にするkick a person/give a person a kick II〔ひどい仕打ちをすること〕人を足蹴にするtreat a person badly彼は人を足蹴にしてまで出世したいらしいHe seems to want to get ahead even if he has to 「trample over [walk all over] others to do it.

What is the meaning of “足切り”?

Word Reading Meaning 足切り あしきり 〔試験の二段階選抜〕足切り(を)する 〔足切りの点をもうける〕establish a cutoff point for a test;〔足切りで受験生を落とす〕disqualify applicants who do not reach the cutoff point on a preliminary examination