
What is the meaning of “味付け”?

Word Reading Meaning 味付け あじつけ seasoning ここの店は味付けがいい[悪い]The seasoning they use in [at] this restaurant is excellent [poor]. 料理の味付けは母から教わりましたI learned how to season food from my mother. 味付け買い〔証券で〕a price-influencing purchase to attract attention to a stock; starting the ball rolling 味付け海苔のりseasoned laver

What is the meaning of “足代”?

Word Reading Meaning 足代 あしだい transportation [traveling] expenses;〔車代〕fare, carfare 足代にいくら必要ですかHow much will you need for traveling expenses? 足代に1,200円払ったI paid a fare of 1,200 yen./I paid 1,200 yen for transportation. 2,000円払ってくれたがこれでは足代にもならないI was paid two thousand yen, but that wasn’t even enough to cover my transportation costs.