
What is the meaning of “味な”?

Word Reading Meaning 味な あじな 〔気のきいた〕smart;〔機知のある〕witty 味なことを言うsay a smart thing/make a witty remark さっと身を引くとは味なことをやるじゃないかWhat style [flair/《俗》 pizzazz] to resign his post just like that! 仇を恩で返すとは彼もなかなか味なまねをするWhat a graceful gesture ― to repay his enemy with kindness! 縁は異なもの味なものThe relationship between a man and a woman is a strange and marvelous thing.

What is the meaning of “足取り”?

Word Reading Meaning 足取り あしどり 〔歩き方〕a step, a gait;〔大股の〕a stride;〔歩調〕a pace I〔歩き方〕a step, a gait;〔大股の〕a stride;〔歩調〕a pace重々しい[軽い]足取りで歩くwalk with a heavy [light] step彼女はしっかりした足取りで近付いたShe approached with steady steps.足取りが速くなったHis step grew quicker.彼は足取りが危なっかしいHe has an unsteady gait.よたよたした足取りで去って行ったHe walked away with 「a tottering [an unsteady] gait./He tottered away. II〔歩いた道筋〕a track; a trace警察はこの地点までは泥棒の足取りをつかんだThe police have traced…

What is the meaning of “足止め”?

Word Reading Meaning 足止め あしどめ preventing (someone) from leaving 学生は構内に足止めされた[足止めを食った]The students were ordered 「to stay on the campus [not to leave the campus]. 大雪のため列車内に5時間も足止めされたWe were stranded [trapped] in the train for five hours by a heavy snowstorm. 濃霧で飛行機は(地上に)足止めされたThe planes were grounded by dense fog.