
What is the meaning of “深い”?

Word Reading Meaning 深い ふかい 〔底までの隔たりが大きい〕deep I1〔底までの隔たりが大きい〕deep深い峡谷a deep gorge 2〔奥までの距離が長い〕深い森[洞窟]a deep forest [cave]. 3〔深部に達する〕深い眠り(a) deep sleep [《文》 slumber]/〔熟睡〕(a) sound sleep深い傷を負うreceive a deep woundソファーに深く身を沈めたShe 「sat back in [sank into] the sofa.彫りの深い顔sharply-chiseled features II1〔程度が大きい〕深い学識profound learning [knowledge]深い悲しみ[喜び/愛]deep sorrow [joy/love]深い憎悪deep-rooted [intense] hatred深い興味を持っているbe deeply [profoundly] interested ((in))彼が最も深く心を痛めたのは娘の病気であったWhat distressed him most deeply was his daughter’s illness.…

What is the meaning of “浅い”?

Word Reading Meaning 浅い あさい 〔底・奥までの距離がない〕shallow I〔底・奥までの距離がない〕shallow浅い皿a shallow dish浅いところを渡ろうLet’s cross the stream where it is shallow.浅いところで泳ぐswim in shallow waterいすに浅く腰掛けるsit on the edge of one’s chair II1〔時間がたっていない〕結婚してまだ日が浅いWe have not been married long./It has not been long since we got married.春はまだ浅いIt’s still early in the spring.夜はまだ浅いThe night is still young. 2〔程度などが少ない〕傷は浅いHe’s only…

What is the meaning of “痣”?

Word Reading Meaning 痣 あざ 〔生まれ付きの〕a birthmark;〔打撲の跡〕a bruise あざができるbe bruised 殴り合いをして体中あざだらけになったHe was black and blue all over after the fight. 目の周りにあざができていたHe had a black eye.