
What is the meaning of “朝方”?

Word Reading Meaning 朝方 あさがた in the morning 朝方にtoward(s) morning/(early) in the morning 昨日の朝方,弱い地震があったThere was a minor earth tremor (early) yesterday morning. 明日は朝方まで雨が残る模様ですIt is likely to be still raining tomorrow morning.

What is the meaning of “朝駆け”?

Word Reading Meaning 朝駆け あさがけ attack very early in the morning 1〔朝早く馬に乗って走ること〕朝駆けに出るgo for an early-morning ride 2〔朝早く敵陣を攻めること〕敵に朝駆けをかけるmake a surprise attack on the enemy early in the morning 3〔新聞記者などが朝早く人を訪ねて取材すること〕記者たちの夜討ち朝駆けには参っているI am hounded by reporters at all hours of the day and night.

What is the meaning of “アサガオガイ”?

Word Meaning アサガオガイ common purple snail (Janthina janthina) アサガオガイ科の巻き貝。殻高約2センチ。貝殻はカタツムリ形でごく薄く、紫色。足から粘液を分泌して泡状の浮き袋とし、海上を浮遊。クラゲを食べる。

What is the meaning of “朝帰り”?

Word Reading Meaning 朝帰り あさがえり coming home in the morning 終電車に乗り遅れて朝帰りしたI missed the last train and couldn’t get [return] home until the next morning. 彼の朝帰りが度重なって離婚になったHe stayed out all night so often that it led to a divorce.