
What is the meaning of “亜種”?

Word Reading Meaning 亜種 あしゅ race《生物》 subspecies 生物分類学上の単位の一。必要な場合に、種の下に設けられる。トラを、アムールトラ・ベンガルトラ・スマトラトラ・ジャワトラ他に分けるなど。

What is the meaning of “足忠実”?

Word Reading Meaning 足忠実 あしまめ good walker, tireless walker 足まめな人a good walker/a tireless walker 足まめに歩き回って反核の署名を集めてきたI walked about tirelessly collecting [gathering] antinuclear signatures.

What is the meaning of “足任せ”?

Word Reading Meaning 足任せ あしまかせ walking wherever one’s legs lead one 足任せに歩くwalk where [wherever] one’s legs carry one/wander (about) without a particular destination 足任せの旅a trip without a fixed itinerary

What is the meaning of “足踏み”?

Word Reading Meaning 足踏み あしぶみ 〔歩く動作のまま進まないこと〕 I〔歩く動作のまま進まないこと〕暖まるために足踏みをしたHe stamped his feet to keep warm.兵隊は行進をやめ足踏みをしていたThe soldiers halted their forward progress and marched in place. II〔停滞〕a standstill研究は足踏み状態になったThe research came to a standstill./I was getting nowhere with my research.新しい首相が選ばれるまで交渉は足踏み状態だThe negotiators can only mark time until a new premier is chosen.